Publikum Calendar


OK, there’s this Serbian calendar, called the Publikum Calendar, produced by George Mill & Nada Ray, which has become completely famous in Serbia. In the past, designers have taken on the design of the whole thing (2007: Paula Scher, 2006: Andrea Dezsö, 2005: Karlsson Wilker …), but this year a group of people were invited to contribute. Debbie Millman was one of the editors, Sean Adams designed most of it, including the accompanying book, and 12 others were invited to contribute the art for each month, based on a basic template for the size and arrangement of dates.

I am Miss January.

I was asked to consider a theme of Time, and as I thought about my own frosty past, I remembered how, as kids we went outside to play every day, no matter the temperature, and all of the layers of clothes we had to put on to do this. So this shows just that: a frosty page in which a little boy gets up, gets dressed, goes outside to play, comes back, gets undressed and goes to bed. In the end, this is a very unusual piece for me, as it is so traditionally illustrative. I don’t usually paint little figures like this, but I was quite happy with the way they turned out.