

Years in the making, almost as long in the promising, this ornament font which happens to contain letterforms was conceived in 2004 and released as a font I-forget-when. It started as an experiment in connected letters that I showed to my friend, type designer Ross Mills. Together we worked on it to bring it into the world as a font.

The font contains the 26 letters of the alphabet, numbers, a hyphen, an ampersand and a question mark, plus a whole ton of squiggly bits for making fantastic shapes and borders. Simply masses of entertainment value.

With the font you get a handy little instruction PDF to help you on the way (you need it—really). How much? For now, a mere $47. But there is one catch. The End User License Agreement has some limitations on its use (mostly that you cannot use Restraint as the sole or major design element in identities, major ad campaigns, or use it to manufacture products for sale without additional licensing—but please read the EULA).

Ready, Set, Buy it now.